How do I know for sure if my phone will work in other countries?

The short answer is, now a day most newer modern models of mobiles phone devices will work anywhere in the world if it’s unlocked. The long answer is, if you want to know for sure, and you want to check it yourself instead of calling the provider and others. What you need to do is …

Bitcoin mining hardware manufacturer still producing them?

Short answer is yes, apparently Spondoolies-Tech are still manufacturing Bitcoin Mining hardware. However don’t expect to be able to buy directly from them. They probably only sell in bulk for the first few batch, and then individual unit as time goes by, in other word when there isn’t much bitcoin left to mine or difficulty …

Will AMD honor old game code coupon even though it said invalid due to passed 60 days?

So I got a game code from a purchase I made at Tigerdirect for a R7 Sapphire GPU and it came with a few game code card coupon. I didn’t feel the need to play any game until mos later and I mean long time after I purchased the GPU and I’ve decided to redeem …

Will Tigerdirect Mcafee honor exact date of 30 days rebate?

*** updated 12/29/2015 *** It’s been three months, and I finally got a confirmation that my rebate will be fulfilled. In fact I saw statuses changes from Declined to Approved! 5-7 weeks for the AE rebate delivery. Will see if they really sending it. Stay tuned for another update!   I think I got a …

Rakuten misadvertisement on the Amazon Fire Phone $105?

Yesterday I received a Rakuten email advertising the Amazon Fire Phone for $105 after Savings Coupons (instant) but the price didn’t come out to be as advertised. Basically I clicked on the advertisement on the email which took me to the Fire Phone and it said $134 minus instant saving of $14, that come out …