First of all, my heart goes out to all the victims and their families at Ariana Grande concert Manchester. These victims are mostly in the youth and children. I have kids of my own and I know how it’s like with your children around you daily and I can’t imagine not having them around you the next day. Rest in peace all the victims.
Now back to the question, could the attack be prevented? I think so yes. I believe their are enough security people there should have done a thorough search of everyone and I mean everyone, even the security officers people their themselves. I also believe that there a ton of security cameras to monitors activities of everyone, especially the suspicious one. Last and not least, I think it’s time to implement background check of everyone going to a concert, not just concert but maybe all events that have more than 1000 people.
I strongly believe that the world should focus more on tracking down terrorist people or study their activities this would include children to adult, in school, at home, anywhere… when you see anyone is suspicious or at risk of being a terrorist report to the terrorist hotline. To be funny a bit, government in the USA and around the world, stop picking on legitimate Bitcoin cryptos currencies users and allocate more effort, as priority, to track down terrorist at risk people and prevent such occurrences from happening again.