What I’ve found is not really medicine I don’t think, but it is from RideAid drug store and after some research I decided to try the best one. The one that have a lot of reviews with 5 stars. Well, there isn’t any of them that have 5 stars, so the closest is 4 stars. I selected the compoundW liquid, let see how it work, will provide daily update.
Common warts could be very annoying, it doesn’t hurt except if you have a plantar wart. Look like this wart is contagious through open wound, but not everyone will get it, some people is immune to this virus. Apparently not me.
So as annoying as it is, I tried not to do anything with it and hope it will go away soon. Soon is a big word, soon could be in the next few minutes or days or weeks or months. For my case, it’s been almost 6 months and it’s not going away. So I did some research and see what’s the best medicine if any.