Lending USD on liquid.com exchange yield the highest interest profit from 17% lowest to 25% APR.
Not so fast, liquid.com exchange takes 50% of your interest as commission, so let say you make $100, 50% of $100 which is $50 goes toward liquid.com exchange, you pocket $50. With the commission 50% I don’t think anyone would want to lend on liquid.com unless you have half million dollars USD to lend.
Liquid.com exchange lending can be trust, chances are that it will not go BBBBBIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTCCCCCCCOOOOOONNNNEEEECCCCCTT on you anytime soon. Lending on an unknown platform such as bitconnect, novachain, and so on are totally 100% risk compare to liquid.com 5-10%, the risk at liquid.com would be if their platform is hacked and totally loss everything like mtgox.
Again, to summarize, liquid.com is safe to lend your money USD BTC whatever, but their commission is 50% of your profit, and not too many people borrowing from their platform appears to be pretty low compare to poloniex.com Poloniex also have a lower fees commission of 15% from your profit. However poloniex will be closing their lending platform by end of 2018 to comply with us regulation.