NEW REX PRICE LOGIC ponzi schemes exit scam good or bad? NEW REX PRICE LOGIC exit scam good or bad? you tell me.

On Friday, November 23, 2018, 5:32:14 PM EST, NovaChain wrote:

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Dear NOVACHAIN Community,
We’re excited to announce the integration of a new pricing method to help support our members during this difficult crypto downturn. We believe these new protocols will allow investors to recoup some of their crypto losses if they choose to use the REX bot.

Effective immediately, we are unpegging the REX price. After much pain staking effort analyzing volumes of data, we have concluded that allowing REX to be in a state of flux will provide better price protection for our users. The new pricing model will be based on the average exchange price over the previous 7 days. This will affect the ADD TO REX and TAKE PROFIT aspects of the platform only. In this manner, users of REX will be able to take advantage of token price downturns.

On the other hand, to help avoid manipulation, we will incorporate a supporting price that will derive from an average of all investments made into REX over time. This calculated price will fluctuate with the market and will be utilized only when a user exits REX. This will prevent them from gaming the system and repeatedly cashing out with a higher number of tokens when the market drops.

These systems are designed to not only benefit the individual user, but to provide health to the entire NOVA ecosystem moving forward.

Thank you for your trust,



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