Over the past month, look like the numbers of Telegram followers had increased from from 3 thousand now to almost 20 thousand, and yet only a few people chatting, mostl admin. So who are these new Telegram followers in novachain.cc group? new investors users? – NO definitely not new users or investors, they are bots, in other word it’s fake Telegram followers package can be bought with few dollars for hundreds to thousands of Telegram followers join the Telegram chat group to make it appears popular.
According to Telegram chat group and other blogs that talk about novachain – It appears novachain.cc is no different than arbitraging.co with it price so low and kept on dropping. These two platform appears to be on its last leg doing anything it can to get more investors as resort and now just letting it ride down and eventually users investors will just leave as nothing can be done.
So is it safe to say, it’s that time to say “it’s an indication of exit scam” just like arbitraging.cc Nothing anyone can do about it other than just get mad upset, you cannot report them to authority, but you could and how long will it take? what proof you have? look at bitconnect, did anyone ever go to jail at bitconnect ponzi scam? I don’t think so.
Anyhow, below is the latest news released by novachain.cc which have more better communication via email than arbitraging.co as arbitraging.co scam arb token no longer care about its users no email communication, arbitraging.co will keep playing game with one news after another, owner popping in and out of the Telegram chat room to say hi, but really he/she just making fun of the users investors “gotcha, you got scammed” amazingly some people still have faith and love but it could be sarcasm. More people are now disappearing from arbitraging.co and eventually arbitraging.co arb token will disappear as well, many loss a lot of money, only a handful profit. novachain.cc users investors will now encounter same experience like arbitraging.co users investors, it’s the end, self sustaining ending, painful one will last 6 months to a year. It is proof that being anonymous is possible, making people to give you money is possible without even knowing who they are, and nothing anyone can do about it if they don’t pay you back and play game with you day after days, week after weeks, month after months, and a year is possible …
On Thursday, April 25, 2019, 4:13:46 AM EDT, NovaChain [email protected] wrote:
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