Don’t fall for this trick folks, it’s a fake email from hackers pretending to be Amazon support billing department. These are known method hackers are using to steal your Amazon accounts and everything about you, so be careful.
You will get similar pdf file attachment email like the one below wordings. Some what like scare tactic trying to hack your account because you get frighten and want to take care of it right away by clicking on links like Click Here, Read Me, and so on…
[email protected] <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Tue, Feb 25 at 3:56 PMPlease check that we attached for account billing information.
Customer Support,
Dear Customer, We have place a hold on your Amazon account and all pending orders. We took this action the billing information you provided did not match the information on file with the card issuer. To resolve this issue, please verify now with the billing name, address, and telephone number registered to your payment card. If you recently moved, you may need to update this information with the card issuer. Update Now If you are unable to complete the verification process within 24hours, all pending orders will be cancelled. You will not be able to access your account until this process has been completed. We ask that you not open new account as any new order you place may be delayed. We hope to see you again soon, Sincerely, Amazon Team Support Amazon Services. Inc. is a subsidiary of Inc. is a registered trademark of, Inc. This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Services Inc.. 410 Terry Ave. North. Seattle. WA 98109-5210