Mining electroneum profitable today? as of December 5th 2018
So, I have been mining with my cell phone for a while with electtroneum coins, and what is my daily coins earned? it is a penny a day or less depend on the price showing up on coinmarketcap.
That’s right, one phone, 1 penny. I haven’t try multiple phone yet, if that’s even allow, or allowed but earning will be the same for a single account, single IP.
The mining process on your phone with electroneum is not really mining, as I check the phone usage, nothing was going on, except the phone display the mining screen and some number just counting and a connection once in a while with the electroneum server. So I think this mining is just an airdrop kind of process. The more people join to mine, the less coins will be delivered. The less people sign on to the system the more coins they will get.
So it’s like electroneum allocated only certain # of coins to be airdrop to phones mining although it’s not really mining, but get people interested and tells others about it.