aBot active investment Profit – 14 arb in usd ( 4.5865 ) Credit 3.060511852476 2018-10-14 16:00:13
I think 3.06 was the highest I ever got for investing in 10ETH 7 days ago. Today is the day I believe I can withdraw, but it’s a loss if I withdraw today because I will not get 10ETH if I were to sell my ARB.
My total USD at the moment showing up in arbitraging.co is $2019.33, the current price of ETH is $195. So if I take 2019 divide 195 = 10.35ETH. The USD dropped since the time I purchased ARB from ETH 7 days ago. So although it seem like I gained 0.35ETH but I were to withdraw now after exchanging from ARB to ETH and with withdraw ETH, I probably will loose that 0.35ETH. So let’s wait. Beside there isn’t any report at the moment people withdrawing except for that aBOT STOP PRICE which does not applied to me.
Also to reiterate what I wrote earlier about withdrawing have to be from the same IP address, that’s wrong, I correct myself withdraw to same wallet address that I sent to Arbitraging.co originally, not IP address. So make sure withdraw and sent address are the same, which is your Ethereum MetaWallet with the fox.