“Electroneum iOS App iPhone Launched” latest news and update it’s real.

Mining Electroneum on mobile phones (android and iOS) is real, it’s not fake. Although the earning is pennies but it’s passive not fake. On Friday, February 1, 2019, 8:32:17 PM EST, Richard Ells [email protected] wrote: Hi Everyone! Firstly, as this is our first email update of 2019 a belated Happy New Year to you all! …

Where’s our ETH you promise coinstarter.com? “CoinBox & TravelVee”

Yet another update email from coinstarter of great things coming soon. Well this word “soon” started two years ago and nothing. People whom got into the initial ICO purchased coinstarter and supposed to get some Ethereum equivalent pay but nothing for two years, one update to another with no real product. Where’s our money coinstarter.com? …

Sending text message problem with switching from android to iphone to android?

Quick fix: https://selfsolve.apple.com/deregister-imessage/ I had this problem before and now many people I know have the same problem. I have AT&T on android then switch to iphone then switch to android, switching from AT&T to T-Mobile then to MetroPCS. I noticed when I sent messages to some people they never receive it and sometime I …

You can have a private facebook account without worrying about being in public or semi private if you wish.

Short answer: use facebook messaging app Now a day facebook and many other social media are becoming more famous than ever. Anyone whom have a smart phone, chances are 95% they have facebook whether you’re young or old, but using it safely could be an issue. Based on my experience since the day of the …

Yet another update upgrade from novachain.cc trying to be on top of all other similar platform

On Thursday, January 31, 2019, 10:43:31 AM EST, NovaChain [email protected] wrote: Can’t see images? Click here… Dear NOVACHAIN Community, We are happy to announce the next step in the T-REX launch process. Today, we will begin the Stage 1 Beta Test Phase. We are adding 10 new members of the YouTube community to the program …

novachain.cc launching one successful upgrade updates to another while arbitraging.co struggling to stay alive with many failures

According to telegram chat group, reddit, bitcointalk and other blogs, arbitraging.co has many failures update one after another since December 10th 2018. Arbitraging.co was doing so well until December 10th 2018, and no one really know what happened, some thing it’s minor issue, some think it’s failure updates upgrade, some think competency issue with the …

Google + G Suite email notification “[ACTION REQUIRED] Important changes to Google+ and impact on G Suite customers”

No need to worry much on this, only impact google + technology, which I don’t think much people using it anymore. If you have a domain point to google domain controller or have G suite control panel control your domain for sub accounts and so on, you might get similar email below. To me I …

Hackers sending you fake apple purchase email to steal your apple ID account and identity including your bank account

This is a known fake apple email from hackers trying to hack your apple account and more. It’s also known as scare tactic hacking, fear hacking, tricking you to think that you have purchased something from apple store but you didn’t, so therefore you click on the link to cancel or check out what it …

Scam paypal email “Re: Action required” hacking your paypal account

If you received similar email below, don’t fall for this trick, it’s phishing email that will take you to a fake replica paypal website that will steal your paypal account and your personal information. E-mail below also known as or work as click bait, making you worry and immediately click on the link on the …