According to the official arb telegram group chat, admin had posted/pinned a message indicate that abot has been fully restored, investors can now move in and out of their abot and move to exchange to take profit, however investors are saying it is next to impossible to sell their arb to eth. Look like the …
Author Archives: BTCT
Scam website to steal your money and personal information report to facebook immediately
Do not buy anything on this website, do not even subscribe or register to buy anything. This website is a fake website similar to many in the past I’ve talked about. Basically the owner is a fake always created similar website to sell cheap items super high end items for a fraction of …
latest update from 0,1 BTC Christmas lottery from Exrates! I believe is legit, it’s on and other similar index websites for cryptocurrencies coins circulation. Below is a message being sent to all users. The bottom line, is go ahead and subscribe to all free airdrop, lottery, drawing, etc. all of them, however just remember not to use your personal email rather create …
Continue reading “latest update from 0,1 BTC Christmas lottery from Exrates!”
Be careful with arbitrage-bot massive spam at the moment all over telegram chat groups and the internet
Be careful with this spam on telegrams and many other ways that the it’s being advertised across the internet. does not appears to be a legitimate exchange nor its longevity being shown below. The domain was registered in March 2018, and just went live recently and it will expires in a few months, why …
Approaching day 2 investors still cannot withdraw their ARB tokens profit to exchange from
Look like the announcement in regards to aBot being down was finally posted up last night after one day of downtime without notice. Along with the announcement, voting system is up and live. According to the telegram chat group of and other forums such as and reddit, people express their concern in regards …
Produce free electricity forever with two motors powering each other
This is funny and for those that believe in this is like believing in whatever people say. This is the reason you need more education, or at least get educated so that you don’t fall for trick like this. Unfortunately it’s a fake, no such thing as free lunch when it come to this. So …
Continue reading “Produce free electricity forever with two motors powering each other” ARB platform Abot is still not allowing users to withdraw profit to exchange
It’s way passed the end of the day around 11PM eastern USA time, and the ARB platform still don’t have Abot working for users to move their profit to exchange yet. All the investors are now concerned because there wasn’t any scheduled downtime mentioned or notified to the investors ahead of time for such … restricted limited ads pay to your account “earnhoney your location is not qualified to earn points for this offer please try another offer” users blocked from withdrawing their daily profit to exchange
Users found out earlier morning of December 19th 2018 6AM Eastern USA time and til now has not been resolved yet. Users were not able to withdraw their daily profit of ARB tokens to Exchange in order to trade to ETH for cash. This blocked appears to be for everyone, all users, according to the …
Continue reading “ users blocked from withdrawing their daily profit to exchange”
This is Vietnam or surrounding countries in Asia electrical pole
Pictures said a millions words, are your desk, room, house, yard cluttered like this? think of what you are from the things around you.