Just-bit.com is new, I just found out about it today. Look like another bitcoin or Cryptos currencies faucets. However already people started talking about it being another scam. It is a scam!
Author Archives: BTCT
Bitcoin has been stable despite soft hard fork talk
I’ve been following Bitcoin latest news and developments lately. Look like Bitcoin (BTC) price been stable lately at $1000. There were many prediction few weeks ago that Bitcoin will end 2017 at $2000, some even say at $3000 by end of 2017. For me, I don’t know, but a wild guess $2500 is not impossible …
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Day 4 into taking a break from work
I slept better, I ate better, and have time to exercise and be healthy, in fact my wife said my bald spot got hair grew back, but I think that was just a temporary bald spot where hair will grow back. Ok so I think it’s time to talk about Cryptos currencies. About 4-5 years …
Day 3 of retirement
Well don’t be fool by the title, just for fun “Day 3 of retirement” well I have a long way to go, I’m at 40 years old and been working for the same company for 20 years. It was a tough decision to leave, but I qualified and safe to leave 🙂 I got laid …
Day 2 of being free
I slept late, and woke up late, well not really late late since I have to drop off my kids to school and some errands, didn’t take much time. Wonderful feeling of being free. However I have a list of things to do for the next few months which I need prioritize. Spring time is …
Day 1 of taking a break from work
Well, where should I start. Let’s keep it simple. I turned in my 2 weeks notice 3 weeks ago. The boss negotiated for three weeks, I agreed. Three weeks passed, and now being day 1 of taking a break from work, how do I fee? – one word “yay!” 🙂 I have enough money to sustain …
Check to see if your account has been hacked historically
I just found a website that can check your email address to see if it tied to any historical data leaked hacked and so on. I’ve tested several of my emails and it seems to be legitimate. My email query result three websites that kept my information secure has been hacked and my account password, …
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Bitcoin price prediction prize
[yop_poll id=”1″]
Day trade with Ethereum ETH coin on Poloniex
I haven’t update my blog for a while. Mainly due to other priorities which are off course more important 🙂 although this is important, but it’s not as much as important as others such as family and career like work that bring in some money :). I just want to share something I’ve been trying …
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Ethereum (ETH) coins are doing very well lately
Over the past weeks, especially last week, not so good for Bitcoin. Bitcoin had dropped > 25% in price. From close to $500 to $380s. Now it’s holding steady at $380s range. I cannot make a good guess what will happen in term of price for Bitcoin this year, because it could be anywhere to …
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