According to the telegram chat group of, after a wave of big complaints about abot stop and start price remain issue, including the famous $200,000.00 USD investors, there are a few of them, the chat group appears to have quiet down a bit, and the reason probably because those people whom complaint got banned …
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email was sent from 30 minutes ago indicating maintenance to the abot
On Thursday, December 20, 2018, 2:00:21 PM EST, David Peterson (ARB) [email protected] wrote: Hello, The aBOT start and stop buttons will be off while we perform maintenance and prepare the upgrades for the new initiative, per voting results. Once we have the upgrade in place and have all the choices made we will open this … ARB tokens from abot profit can be moved to Exchange but selling your profit is next to impossible at the moment
According to the official arb telegram group chat, admin had posted/pinned a message indicate that abot has been fully restored, investors can now move in and out of their abot and move to exchange to take profit, however investors are saying it is next to impossible to sell their arb to eth. Look like the …
Approaching day 2 investors still cannot withdraw their ARB tokens profit to exchange from
Look like the announcement in regards to aBot being down was finally posted up last night after one day of downtime without notice. Along with the announcement, voting system is up and live. According to the telegram chat group of and other forums such as and reddit, people express their concern in regards … ARB platform Abot is still not allowing users to withdraw profit to exchange
It’s way passed the end of the day around 11PM eastern USA time, and the ARB platform still don’t have Abot working for users to move their profit to exchange yet. All the investors are now concerned because there wasn’t any scheduled downtime mentioned or notified to the investors ahead of time for such … users blocked from withdrawing their daily profit to exchange
Users found out earlier morning of December 19th 2018 6AM Eastern USA time and til now has not been resolved yet. Users were not able to withdraw their daily profit of ARB tokens to Exchange in order to trade to ETH for cash. This blocked appears to be for everyone, all users, according to the …
Continue reading “ users blocked from withdrawing their daily profit to exchange” vs. internal platform impossible to sell your arb today?
Around 1AM Eastern USA time, coinmarketcap put ARB token coin from top 80th coins to 1788th coin. So what’s going on? according to the message posted on telegram chat group below, there seems to be circulating issue, but it’s been more than 10 hours and still arb token coins are still in the 1788th … new update appears to be working well
If you’re doing some investment with you would probably know that they have implemented new features and continue to improve as they say. Although still some improvements are still under work in progress, but the primary functionality of buying arb with ETH and put arb to abot and off course taking profit are working …
Continue reading “ new update appears to be working well” ARB tokens “ARB 2.0 Unveiled 12/16/2018! (LIVE)” still probably one of the most popular high yield investment program out there that tied to cryptocurrencies still alive and well, among all other programs and platform out there that function like high yield level investment (HYIP) it is the most popular one now. Next to it is which has been constantly under …
Continue reading “ ARB tokens “ARB 2.0 Unveiled 12/16/2018! (LIVE)”” added new tokens to be traded on their exchange platform added more tokens that can be traded on their platform. At this time where Bitcoin and many other Cryptocurrencies are going downhill fast and nowhere to be found slowing down, it kept going down, many exchange and related business are struggling to survive. Especially program that tied to ponzi scheme or scam are desperately …
Continue reading “ added new tokens to be traded on their exchange platform”