How to send ARB tokens to another address with MetaMask Wallet

Short answer is in conjunction with your metamaskwallet.  This was a respond found in Telegram Chat group of the Go to the Myetherwallet site. Choose to ‘Send Ether & Tokens’, access with Metamask. Then hit the orange Show tokens button. Find ARB in the list, click to load (to see your ARB). Select ‘ARB’ in the Amount to Send drop down. Fill it in. When you generate the transaction it should bring up Metamask and ask you to confirm/submit. If Read more […]

Mining electroneum profitable today? as of December 5th 2018

Mining electroneum profitable today? as of December 5th 2018 So, I have been mining with my cell phone for a while with electtroneum coins, and what is my daily coins earned? it is a penny a day or less depend on the price showing up on coinmarketcap. That’s right, one phone, 1 penny. I haven’t try multiple phone yet, if that’s even allow, or allowed but earning will be the same for a single account, single IP. The mining process on your phone with electroneum is not really mining, as I Read more […]

Bittrex Enabled Your Account for US Dollar Markets now you can trade Bitcoin altcoins to USD

Is this for everyone? for everybody account at Bittrex, unfortunately not everyone. It depend on your location the USA, definitely probably not in New York. Well for me personally look like Bittrex allow me to trade using USD or from fiat to cryptos back to fiat, haven’t try yet, but will do. Just that the market is pretty much crazy lately going down the drain fast, who knows if bitcoin will reach bottom at $100 soon, that’s right $100 not a typo. On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 8:30:40 PM Read more […]

Hashix cloud mining for real? 5 TH/s OFFER IS BACK ! WEBSITE FRONT PAGE UPDATED ! REFERRAL UP TO 30%.

Hashix cloud mining for real? 5 TH/s OFFER IS BACK ! WEBSITE FRONT PAGE UPDATED ! REFERRAL UP TO 30%. The question is, is it real? do they really have a mining warehouse center, in order order word they really have mining hardware mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? I don’t see any hard proof. Especially those similar business such as this with address somewhere we may never know if the physical location existed. On Monday, December 3, 2018, 8:29:22 PM EST, Hashix Cloud Mining wrote: HASHIX Dear Read more […]

All is well with and after maintenance except a few glitches here and there

After a day or more with under maintenance. Users cannot access their aBot to do anything, it will give them an error … blocked by admin. Well don’t get scare, you didn’t do anything wrong, just maintenance that feature being disabled temporary for a few hours. Now it is up and running functioning normally except small glitches here there like the transactions history don’t show up your earned abot arb token. However other important features like exchange arb to eth and withdrawal Read more […]

no bitcoin trading fees from poloniex “Now until Dec 31 2018 BTC/USDC with no fees”

no bitcoin trading fees from poloniex “Now until Dec 31 2018 BTC/USDC with no fees” I think this is a good deal especially for those day trade people, trade all day long, buy the down, sell the up, keep repeating, no trading fees. Even if you profit $1 per hour, that’s $24 a day that’s $744 for this month, if you have a trading bot that is. Buy the low, sell the high, keep repeating since I think BTC USDS up and down pretty consistent. On Monday, December 3, 2018, 12:32:51 PM EST, The Poloniex Read more […]

Re-visit investbox of MEME and DOGE coins 5% daily gone with the wind This is just a revisit of my earlier experience with investing in investbox for MEME. Long story short, I invested $1000 worth of DOGE coin purchased MEME and put into investbox to get 5% MEME profit daily, as days goes by I did get 5% daily however the price of MEME kept on going down down and down to the point I don’t even want to check it, so I thought my $1000 was gone. Unexpectedly one day a month later, I checked and the price went back up Read more […] Your aBOT is currently blocked by Admin Your aBOT is currently blocked by Admin If you have an account with and trying to withdraw your daily profit, you would probably encounter some problem. Most likely you will see “Your aBOT is currently blocked by Admin” This message is now popping up for everyone according to the telegram chat room of the official The issue started last night (12/2/2018) or could be earlier. There was no notification or email indicating that it’s down for maintenance Read more […]

News update email from “upcoming live stream to show the upgraded and new features of the Arbigtaging platform”

According to, the CEO of David Peterson sent out an email to update their users, below. The live stream youtube he mentioned supposed to happen to weeks ago, but it never happen, but there are reasons as mentioned in the email. However, is it really important for live stream youtube? as many said that they only seen like about 100 people really watching it, but if we look at it closer a copy of the livestream being reupload to other support accounts and so it could Read more […] price will surpass ARB tokens? price will surpass ARB tokens? Well according to telegrams, novachain have 2.5k members chatting group while channel have over 8k The website of both and look the same, the functionality is similar, also the telegram channels pretty much same concept. Are they the same owner? On Friday, November 30, 2018, 8:07:32 AM EST, NovaChain wrote: Can’t see images? Click here… Dear NOVACHAIN Community, We are happy Read more […]