coinstarter startercoin “Great news to report, CoinBox software is complete!”

This coin has been pending development for way too long, they released news once every 3 months or so to keep the community thinking it’s still active. There were a lot of people whom purchased their ICO coins over a year ago and received nothing but news every 3 months or so. Coinstarter said and …

Tips to get great deals on items products that come across you via email advertisements facebook etc.

Everyone of us probably received a lot of email in regards to sales and and great deals, but is it really a great deal? Let take example, I get an email from for a security camera model abc-123 for $10, I say wow! that’s the a great deal bargains, I don’t think I will …

Re: [Transaction Confirmed] ; Thanks your payment for order “Netflix …”. has been accepted Wednesday, October 24 2018 [FWD] ; Re

Re: [Transaction Confirmed] ; Thanks your payment for order “Netflix …”. has been accepted Wednesday, October 24 2018 [FWD] ; Re If you get an email subject such as above, chances are it’s fake, hacking stealing your apple account in addition to all your personal information on your ios apple iphone account everything basically on …

Finally I see some profit coming in from investbox at but not officially sold

Finally I see some profit coming in from investbox at but not officially sold. After a month of investbox on dogecoin at 0.044 to the fake meme, I was seeing my dogecoin to meme falling each day and every day to 0.015 meme per dogecoin. However over the past few days dogecoin to …

[Thank You For Purchase] Your payment for order of “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links . . .”. has been Accepted (Success) Re: [Thank You For Purchase] Your payment for order of “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links…”. has been Acc..

Fake “[Thank You For Purchase] Your payment for order of “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links . . .”. has been Accepted (Success) Sunday, October 22, 2018 – Re: [Thank You For Purchase] Your payment for order of “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links…”. has been Acc..” If you received an email below, that is not being filtered captured by the …

Fake email pretending to be from Poloniex exchange “We are updating our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy”

Fake email pretending to be from Poloniex exchange “We are updating our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy” A lot of people reporting this email as scam and it is indeed a scam. If you click on the link from the email it will take you to a fake poloniex website where it ask you … accept Bitcoin NOT for all gift cards though

Some of the websites out there when you search for which online retailers accept Bitcoin, Gyft might pops up but guess what? that’s not totally true because Gyft does not accept Bitcoin as payment for gift cards, such as Ebay and Amazon are very popular but you cannot pay via Bitcoin. and many other …

More negative talk about Bitcoin have no future

As the price of Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies falling over the past 1 year, ever since end of 2017 Bitcoin and  all other alternative cryptocurrencies had fallen hundreds of percent toward the end of 2018. Many people and Bank institution especially are taking advantage to talk negative things about it, including it worth nothing …

Earned 3.14 ARB today based on 10ETH investment

1 aBot active investment Profit – 18 arb in usd ( 4.793 ) Credit 3.1483756144848 2018-10-18 16:00:14 3.14 ARB earned today based on 10ETH initial investment at $4.80 per ARB is equivalent to $15 10ETH at current price of $206 based on poloniex USDT price is $2060. Now the total of ARB I have based …